Monday, October 17, 2011

Broke ass shades

This is bullshit! I sat on my favorite sunglasses today. Cracked 'em right in half. I've been trying to figure out a way to still wear them, they kinda have a cool eye patch look to them now. Well if that's the worst thing that happens to me I guess I got it pretty good.
Pretty reflective weekend for me. Went to a memorial/wake for an uncle of mine on Saturday. He had been sick for a long time and this really wasn't a surprise.  I have to say my family sure knows how to celebrate a passing. There was lots of good booze and good conversation with relatives, that unfortunately, I only see on occasions like this. It's nice to know that when I go there is going to be one hell of a party. I think I would like to be cremated from the waist up, and then have my ashes cut up into lines and snorted off my ass. That would be nice (I just want to see who's actually paying attention). At any rate mortality is a bitch.
I spent a lot of time this weekend trying to understand a few of my recent accounts I set up, Google plus and this blog for example. I think I am going to interconnect all my social media. Between Face book, Twitter, Google plus, Linked In, the blog, yadda, yadda, it's all getting a little redundant. Although I know it's all good exposure it's exhausting and I don't want to burn out.
So I nailed down the Milwaukee gig for next week and apparently it's going to be a pretty big deal. It's going to be in an office/loft space inside this rehabbed warehouse. Full bar, live music and 10% of what  I make goes to feed the hungry. I love a good cause. I'm showing with 2 other artists and I might even finish a new one before the show. Hope to see some of you there. Details should be up on the site by now,
Thanks for checking out my stuff, I gotta bounce, I have a roast in the oven. Seriously. I'll talk about that and many other delicious details next time. Peace!


  1. Sitting on sunglasses, me hopes they were plastic. Glass in the Ass would be an I experience that I would Pass to a Lass or even Mama Cass but she has passed. Good for you about Milwaukee. If you're in the historic third district there's a cool bar that sells bear by the glass boot. Perhaps you could check it out. Have fun.

  2. Sorry about the shades - and I think I have heard your line about snorting you off your own ass before...I'm sure it will be a helluva party.

  3. @Amy. It will be a helluva party. I hope you outlive me so you can enjoy it.

  4. @Luke. I love any post with Mama Cass in it. This show IS in the third district. I will ask around. Thanks for the tip!
